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We assist


Contrast to loneliness

Telephone monitoring

Company visits

Connection with institutions and services

Privileging home and proximity services even during holidays, organizing their provision based on the needs of the elderly.

We provide

Accompaniment by car for therapies
Medical visits, practices at offices
Home delivery of medicines and shopping


We propose

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Services as a response to relational needs
The friendly tutor of an elderly person
Home delivery of medicines on holidays
Conviviality and socialization events facilitating meetings

Creating the conditions that allow the elderly to stay at home for as long as possible, immersed in their daily life, in memories and in a welcoming and familiar environment


Services as a response to relational needs
The friendly tutor of an elderly person
Home delivery of medicines on holidays
Conviviality and socialization events facilitating meetings

Creating the conditions that allow the elderly to stay at home for as long as possible, immersed in their daily life, in memories and in a welcoming and familiar environment


Services as a response to relational needs
The friendly tutor of an elderly person
Home delivery of medicines on holidays
Conviviality and socialization events facilitating meetings

Creating the conditions that allow the elderly to stay at home for as long as possible, immersed in their daily life, in memories and in a welcoming and familiar environment

COVID events

Services as a response to relational needs
The friendly tutor of an elderly person
Home delivery of medicines on holidays
Conviviality and socialization events facilitating meetings

Creating the conditions that allow the elderly to stay at home for as long as possible, immersed in their daily life, in memories and in a welcoming and familiar environment

Riprendiamo a Vivere

Amicizia, solidarietà e fantasia.

Nuove Iniziative

"Gruppo Primavere" incontri quindicinali in sede e poi sul territorio.

SEA - CF 97540920010

Registered Office Via Torricelli 53 - 10129 Turin

Operational Headquarters Via San Secondo 92 - 10129 Turin

tel +39 011 436 6013

cell +39 331 461 1725


Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 15-18 - Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9-12

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